支持者聲音Natural methods strengthen harmony of married couples.Blessed Pope John Paul II
"To teachers of Natural Family Planning" 「自然生育調節法」不僅是一種方法,它更是一種生活方式。天主教會向夫婦推薦這生活方式,是由於它能幫助夫婦從屬靈和彼此尊重的角度,學習適當地調節性慾。這生活方式使夫婦遵循天主的計劃,成為天主創造人類生命的合作者。這生活方式使夫婦更恩愛、更能善盡婚姻和家庭中的責任,以及對天主在他們婚姻和家庭生活中賜予他們的恩寵,更能懷着感恩之心。「自然生育調節法」既能促進更美滿的婚姻和家庭生活,因此它對以家庭作為基礎的社會,也有相關的貢獻。
香港教區秘書處秘書長 Sympto-Thermal Natural Family Planning is a scientifically based method of family planning which identifies the fertile and infertile phases of a woman's cycle. It offers people in the community a natural alternative to contraceptive family planning. It can be used by people from all walks of life who do not wish to use artificial hormones or invasive methods such as Intra Uterine Devises or condoms, diaphragms etc.
Sympto-Thermal Natural Family Planning is 98% effective, and in a recent independent study done in Germany, which included 900 women contributing 17,638 cycles, the Sympto-Thermal Natural Family Planning effectiveness rate was 99.6% when couples followed the rules. Sharon Young
Grad. Dip. Couns. Manager, Natural Fertility Services www.natfamplan.comau 目前印度境內已有三千多個家庭採用自然家庭計劃,而且成效達95%...我認為,如果我們能夠把這種方法推廣到世界各地、如果各地的貧困夫婦都學會這種方法,那麼在全界的每個家庭中,必然會有更好的親子關係,家人之間也會更為和睦融合、互助互愛。
仁愛傳教女修會創辦人 Knowledge is power. Natural Family Planning, the language of your body benefits the patient and the doctor. In a busy world, NFP conveys health and fertility information efficiently from you to me. Without chemicals and inconvenience, NFP is safe, effective, educational, and "green". NFP is knowledge. NFP is powerful. Try it.
John Bruchalski, MD, FACOG
Tepeyac Family Center Fairfax, Virginia, USA 《永不停息的愛》
當我踏入「高齡產婦」界別而仍膝下猶虛時,心情很焦急,於是毅然向生育醫生求助。生育醫生為我處方排卵藥及吩咐我按體溫表的時間行房。但排卵藥使我的周期延長了,而按體溫表行房只令我和丈夫筋疲力竭。因為每當體溫稍為升高,我便猜想:是不是排卵了?但當第二天體溫回落後,心情隨之而低落。結果,每天只是拿著體溫表左猜右想,壓力很大。在一次偶然的機會下,我認識了香港公教婚姻輔導會的「體溫黏液法」,也就是透過觀察子宮頸液體及記錄體溫預測排卵時間。最後,我放棄使用任何藥物,只靠身體的徵狀嘗試懷孕,結果我嘗試了六個周期便成功了。 當然,在觀察子宮頸黏液的初期,我也有許多迷思,不斷問:「究竟這是不是蛋白液體呢?」幸好,在專業醫生及輔導員的指導下,我漸漸掌握了有關方法,在此我也衷心感謝他們。 張太
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